Geelong Little Athletics Centre (GLAC)
The home of Little Athletics. Est. 1964
2024-2025 Athletics at GLAC
The summer Track and Field (T & F) 2024-25 season will start 12th October 2024.
Cross Country has finished for 2024 and will recommence end of April 2025.
***REGISTRATION PORTAL FOR 2024/25 Track and FIeld Season is NOW OPEN!
***** REGISTER HERE: Membership - Little Athletics Victoria (lavic.com.au) ******
Proof of age (Birth Certificate, Passport or Immunisation) papers to: geelongregistrar@lavic.com.au when finalising registration.
Be Your Best ...
Geelong Little Athletics Centre Inc holds athletics training and competition for athletes between the ages of 5 and 16 years.
Track & Field competition is held on Saturday mornings from 8.00 am - 12.00 noon from the start of October to the end of March.
Cross Country is on Saturday afternoons at various Geelong locations, April to August.
There are eight clubs affiliated with the Geelong Athletics Centre.
You must be a registered athlete to compete.