GLAC Committee
Centre Committee meetings are held on a regular basis for the running of the Centre. GLAC Committee consists of nominated and elected members as per the Constitution.
Meetings will take place in the Wood Pavilion, John Landy Field, unless otherwise advertised. Reports, Items for the agenda and notices of motion MUST be forwarded to the Secretary by email to at least four days prior to a meeting for inclusion.
The AGM is open to GLAC Committee Members, Life Members and all interested parents are most welcome, and encouraged to attend. Please note that if you wish to vote at the AGM, you need to be a member of the Geelong Little Athletics Centre 10 days prior to the AGM. Please contact the Centre Secretary at for more information.
Position holders
President: Michael Thornton (Chilwell)
Vice President: Michael Thomas (Guild)
Secretary: Ramona Browne (Leopold)
Treasurer: Nick Foley (OGBH)
Registrar: Natasha Judd (South Barwon)
Results Coordinator: Kylie Harris (East Geelong) Records: Kane Felthouse (Leopold) Equipment Coordinator: Kane Felthouse (Leopold) Uniform Coordinator: Nathalie Jeffrey (Chilwell)
Coaching Coordinators: Christian Romanelli and Nick Foley
On Track: Craig Shell (Chilwell)
On Track: Ellie Murrant (Guild Senior) and Tyler Costin
Special Meetings/Redevelopment: Kirsten Kilpatrick
Cross Country 2024: Tyler Costin
Child Protection Officer: Sarah Veenvliet (Peninsula)
Chief Starter: Aaron Smith
Disability Liaison Officer: Vacant
Chief Official:
WMR Meeting Representative: Nick Foley (OGBH) and Ramona Browne (Leopold)
Grants Officer: Rebecca Winkler
General Member: Kirsty Romanelli General Member: Tamara Kernan (Guild) General Member: Nathan Niewmann General Member: Tamara Connor
Get involved
Ordinary Members
Parents and guardians who are included on the registration details become ordinary members of LAVic. Other volunteers such as guardians or grandparents are required to sign the register of Ordinary Members, available online here and hold a current Working With Children Check prior to undertaking any Club duty. This is a LAVIC requirement for insurance purposes and covers parents, guardians and volunteers while participating in GLAC activities.