GLAC COVID Protocols
COVID Safe Official
Geelong Little Athletics Inc., has a COVID Safe Officials (CSO) registered with LAVic. All Clubs will provide 1 COVID Safe Official. The CSO is responsible for the Centre’s implementation and compliance with these protocols. All CSOs will complete the free online Australian Government course COVID-19 Infection Control Training . All Centre & Club CSO will complete this online training. Documentation to be sent to
The Centre will communicate the competition protocols to all members, athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, Committee members, families, sponsors, venue managers and other Centre stakeholders.
Announcers will wear masks (if required by law).
Microphones will have a disposable protection cover.
No athlete will approach the announcers.
No announcements from athletes allowed.
Toilets and communal changerooms will be open. During GLAC’s meets, the toilets will be checked, cleaned and sanitized during our 4hr meet. Outside our rental hours responsibility is of City Greater Geelong.
Competition Office & Timing box will be cleaned and sanitized before and after use. These buildings can only be entered by a Committee member. Please refer to the Competition Office / Timing box protocol in this document.
Equipment Shed is opened/locked and coordinated only by the GLAC Equipment Coordinator and assistants.
GLAC Canteen will operate as it can be accessed without entering via the pavilion. Canteens are permitted to operate in accordance with the ‘Hospitality Industry Guidelines’. Please refer to the Canteen protocols in this document.
Gates will be locked except the main gate that will be open for attendance registration. (No cars allowed in Landy Field).
Two access points to the venue will be established:
Swanston Street/Barwon Terrace
Cnr Behind the competition office
Carparks – There is NO CAR access to the carpark inside Landy Field.
The CSO, Centre administrators and venue managers will manage the use of the facilities.
Competition Office & Timing Box
The Competition office and Timing box will only be used by GLAC Committee members and delegates.
The rooms will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after each meet.
Bollards and tape will remind athletes to NOT go near the Timing box.
tables will be placed in front of the Competition office (marking 1.5 distance) between inside the comp office and outside. Separate windows for participating athletes and parents.
Masks to be worn by Committee members inside.
Any equipment used by members will be disinfected e.g. pens.
Equipment Shed
All equipment will be sanitized before and after use.
Equipment Coordinator is the only person to open/shut the facility.
Delegate clubs will bring out their equipment for that day.
Delegate clubs will put their equipment away for that day.
GLAC’s canteen ran by Espresso Alfresco
GLAC Canteen will operate as it can be accessed without entering via the pavilion.
Canteens are permitted to operate in accordance with the ‘Hospitality Industry Guidelines’.
Sneeze guards will be allocated to the front window of the canteen.
Bollards/marking tape to control <1.5m distance.
Hand sanitizer provided
Canteen will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after each meet.
Canteen will offer contactless payment.
Espresso Alfresco Coffee van
Coffee van will be situated in the carpark of Landy Field.
Bollards/markings to help social distancing.
Hand sanitizer provided.
Sponsorship attendance
If GLAC sponsorships would like to come down and sell their merchandise at a meet.
Bollards/markings to help social distancing.
Hand sanitizer.
Allocated in Carpark so social distancing can be applied.
GLAC aims to create a safe environment for all members of the public during the competition.
GLAC will implement the LAVic and Council protocols to create a COVID Safe environment for all.
All athletes and parents/guardians must:
Register your attendance (Check-in) via QR code, before entering Landy Field via the single open gate, corner of Barwon Terrace and Swanston Street.
Check-in with your club, as soon as you enter Landy Field.
Social distance 1.5m.
Bring hand sanitizer and use where required.
Report any Covid issues to your club.
Long Jump / Triple Jump
Each Athlete MUST hand sanitize after each
Athletes will safely leave the jump pit in their group. A one way entrance and exit from the competition area will be implemented.
Chief to advise GLAC announcer via radio comms of completion of the age group.
High Jump
Each Athlete MUST hand sanitize after each jump.
Athletes will be given a maximum of 8 total jumps. Athletes must have their first jump within 20cm of their P.B.
Athletes will safely leave the jump pit in their group. A one-way entrance and exit from the competition area will be implemented.
All High Jump Equipment will be cleaned/sanitized.
Next group from the holding bay will compete.
Chief to advise GLAC announcer via radio comms of completion of the age group.
Discus and Javelin
Each Athlete MUST hand sanitize after completing their 3 throws.
Athletes will safely leave the competition area in their group. A one-way entrance and exit from the competition area will be implemented.
All throwing Equipment will be cleaned/sanitized after each throw by a club delegate.
Chief to advise GLAC announcer via radio comms of completion of the age group.
Shot Put
Each Athlete MUST hand sanitize after completing their 3 throws.
Athletes will safely leave the competition area in their group. A one-way entrance and exit from the competition area will be implemented.
All throwing Equipment will be cleaned/sanitized after each throw by a club delegate.
Chief to advise GLAC announcer via radio comms of completion of the age group.
Laned Events
Sprints: 70m, 100m, 200m, 400m & Hurdles: 60m, 80m, 200m, 300m
These groups will be referred to the start line or lined up in sequence of heats 1.5m behind the preceding heat at the provided marker cones.
Each Athlete MUST hand sanitize after completing their race.
Athletes will safely leave the competition area in their group. Athletes MUST NOT go near the Timing Box to see their results. They are to use
A one-way entrance and exit from the competition area will be implemented.
All blocks and hurdle equipment will be set up and cleaned with spray sanitizer after each event by a club delegate.
Starter or Start Marshall to advise GLAC announcer via radio comms of completion of the age group.
Hurdles will be sanitized after each adjustment.
Un-laned Long Distance Events (700m, 800m, 1500m)
Each Athlete MUST hand sanitize after completing their race.
Athletes will safely leave the competition area in their group. Athletes MUST NOT go near the Timing Box to see their results. They are to use
A one-way entrance and exit from the competition area will be implemented.
Starter or Start Marshall to advise GLAC announcer via radio comms of completion of the age group.
Walks - 1100m, 1500m (Invitation only, pre-registration required)
GLAC Announcer will call athletes to the event. Only those athletes pre-registered will be allowed to compete.
Each Athlete MUST hand sanitize after completing their race.
Race bibs to be sprayed with sanitiser before use.
Athletes will safely leave the competition area in their group. Athletes MUST NOT go near the Timing Box to see their results. They are to use
A one-way entrance and exit from the competition area will be implemented.
Starter or Start Marshall to advise GLAC announcer via radio comms of completion of the age group.
take bibs home for washing.